Tuesday 2 August 2011

my Monday's delicious dinner!

Hey guys! Probably this is my last post for this coming weeks? I think I will be back on 12th August as my exam started this coming Friday! DISASTER. Last night I went to a steak house near to where I live, Cowboy Steak House Beverly. The food is very nice, I recommend you have a try.

I like the "grill chicken chop" very much. It taste very good. *thumbs up!

The fried chicken chop and the Spaghetti Cabonara are very delicious as well.

Well, I have to stop here. Going to take a nap and continue my study. Anyway, wont be updating my blog recently so take care all my friends. I miss ya. And WISH ALL MY FRIENDS GET A GOOD RESULT and wish myself get good results too! Bye!

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