Friday 29 July 2011

Happy Happy Day!!

Hey guys! It is the 17th-monthsary with my hubby boy, I love Him! And I bought Ipoda "Rabito" casing for my Sony Ericsson X10, huh! I find this case for long time already, finally I found it! Oh yeah, that's why my post title stated "Happy Happy Day". But, my final exam getting nearer and nearer, starting from this second countdown to final exam less than 8 days!!!! Terrible man, I'm scared seriously. Have to rush all assignments and tests before the exam, headache! 

My school is having an Environmental Day event, our class are presenting an "Iconic Structure"--Pyramid. Other classes is doing Petronas Twin Tower, Yayasan Sabah, Castle, KL Tower and etc. Everybody kinda "Look Down" on my group, hey, pyramid is not an easy structure okay, my group did put a lot of effort in it! And some of them doing the pyramid base til midnight. Hope my group can at least get a prize, Seriously, I hope my group can win! Gambateh!. Here is the picture of my group's pyramid.

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