Sunday 31 July 2011


Hey guys! Nothing special for today, everything like normal. Went breakfast and go for a ride. And, finally we all went to the road-side "coconut stall" near Rasa Ria, we tried their coconut pudding, coconut drinks AND "Kelapa Bakar". They grill the coconut and this is the first time having "HOT" coconut juice, exciting!  Well, I know exam is gettin nearer but relax before exam is a good choice! Btw, the weather is so so so so hot! Omg, please rain. I'm going to melt, huh.

The coconut pudding!
Yum yum!
Enjoying my pudding!
Kelapa Bakar!
HOT coconut juice!

Saturday 30 July 2011

My nail art HISTORY!

Hey guys! Today I'm going to show some pictures of  my nail art HISTORY! Just a very random post as I have not much to update actually. My exam is coming, so I definitely have no time to take care my nails. I promise I will make a new nail art straight after my exam, so wait for my good news! Maybe you guys though my nail arts Simple & Sucks, lol, whatever; I'm just sharing. That's all for today, happy weekend everybody!

Friday 29 July 2011

Happy Happy Day!!

Hey guys! It is the 17th-monthsary with my hubby boy, I love Him! And I bought Ipoda "Rabito" casing for my Sony Ericsson X10, huh! I find this case for long time already, finally I found it! Oh yeah, that's why my post title stated "Happy Happy Day". But, my final exam getting nearer and nearer, starting from this second countdown to final exam less than 8 days!!!! Terrible man, I'm scared seriously. Have to rush all assignments and tests before the exam, headache! 

My school is having an Environmental Day event, our class are presenting an "Iconic Structure"--Pyramid. Other classes is doing Petronas Twin Tower, Yayasan Sabah, Castle, KL Tower and etc. Everybody kinda "Look Down" on my group, hey, pyramid is not an easy structure okay, my group did put a lot of effort in it! And some of them doing the pyramid base til midnight. Hope my group can at least get a prize, Seriously, I hope my group can win! Gambateh!. Here is the picture of my group's pyramid.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Naega jeil jal naga ♥

Hey guys! I'm here to make a short update for my blog. Many things happened this few days, all those shitty-things which is so complicated. And whatever, I don't care. Well, actually I have nothing to say but I just wanted to share with you guys 2NE1- I'm the best. Okay okay, if your are a Korean music fans, don't bomb me yea. I know its been released for quite some times, but I wish to share it. In this MV, I think that  CL(the group leader of 2ne1) and Park Bom(the girl with the toy poodle) are pretty! Why do I talking so much. Anyway, this is just a random update, thanks for reading. Goodnight!

Naega jeil jal naga!

Monday 25 July 2011

My Sunday night dinner! Malaysian Foodie :)

Hey guys! I actually wanted to update my blog yesterday night but I failed to because there was a test today, sorry. I'm going to blog about my Sunday night dinner, kinda lack of topic to blog lol. I went to "King Hu Restaurant, Tanjung Aru" for my dinner, I guess everyone know this restaurant, yea? I arrived King Hu at 8pm, the restaurant was packed! My dear and I just ordered two dishes as we were kinda FULL. Omg, the roasted duck there is so deliciouss! I like it! Especially when you wrapped the roasted duck with popia skin and cellery add on the special sweet sauce, perfect! Other than that, I like the "duck soup" too, my dear sounds "yucks" after havin' it and he said he felt very "gelik", maybe he can't stand the duck "smell" I guess, HAHA. 

the duck soup
Roasted Duck, yummy!
"nom nom"
Fried Man Tou, nice!
my messy look, my face is so big! Sob!
Apologize that my camera was not very clear, lousy mobile phone camera. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog! Good luck! :)

Saturday 23 July 2011

I miss my hair!

Hey guys! I had my hair cut approximate 2 months ago, and learn not to cut your hair ever again. I MISS MY LONG HAIR, and I'm sick of my hair right now. Regret cutting it man! REGRET. Hopefully it will grow more longer next year, is the time for me to change a new color, new hair texture and whatever. Never ever cut your hair too short, you will regret. Now I miss them a lot ♥  P/S : Don't ever said other people's hair messy and looks like grass before you look at yours. I hate this kind of attitude so much.  Anyway, Happy Saturday everyone! Gonna continue studying for my Law Test on Monday. Loves!

Tuesday 19 July 2011


Hello! No tests for tomorrow but still a lot of assignments! Done my FA2 test just now, I'm very scared at that time you know, idk why lol. The final exam is coming soon, countdown 18days! kinda nervous about the exam. I should work harder for this coming exam as the subjects are freakin' H.A.R.D!

Favorite Quote of the day ; R.E.A.L = Remember Everbody Ain't Loyal.

Sunday 17 July 2011

finally. I'm BACK !

Hey guys! Time for me to get back to my blog, I have stopped blogging for one week. Ow, I miss my blog. I was so busy last week, tests + assignments + environmental day structure, oh god, terrible week I ever had. Honestly, I wanted to blog yesterday but since there is Korean Songs Dance Competition at Warisan Square, I've been there actually. "It's awesome!" I screamed for KPM, hell yea I know it is a bit over and weird. No offense yea, everyone did very well last night.

My girls and I arrived at Warisan around 4pm and we went 恒龙 Heng Long Restaurant for our dinner *had our dinner at 4pm, LOL*. I've shoot some pictures, what do you feel? Sucks or? No comment.

The fried rice, lol.
Shang-Hai Xiao Long Bao.
Wan-Tan Ra men.
I keep on psycho my baby hubby buy me a camera, I'm very bad right, yea I KNOW. My girls took some pictures yesterday too. Some random picture.

Anyway, yesterday night was awesome! Looking forward for next year 3rd Korean Songs Dance Competition. Have to stop here now, I need to revision for my coming tests. Disaster!! Argh, Bye visitors! Wish u all have a wonderful Sunday.

Sunday 10 July 2011

totally stressed out!

Hey guys! I'm doing a short update for my blog as I'm not going to update anything within this week, because the "War of Tests and Assignments" arrives. Yes, this is the crazy and hectic life I pass recently. I might be very very very busy, LOL. 

I will be having these tests/quiz:

Monday; Organizational Behavior (OB) Quiz
Tuesday; Taxation Re-test *I'm not sure yet
Wednesday; FA2 Accounting Test *I'm going to fail this lol
Thursday; Free
Friday; AM Test and OB Assignment due date

It is troublesome, I can't continue City Hunter then. And, final exam is coming very soon! :( sob'

Friday 8 July 2011

Turn your Ipad 2 into a "MacBook Air" now!

Still dreaming to turn your Ipad-2 into a notebook? Now, M.I.C gadget introducing the latest keyboard for Ipad-2, the Aluminum Keyboard Case. With just an accessory, you can have your Ipad-2 feels like a MacBook Air! 

And more important, how does it look like MacBook Air? You need to watch this intro video first.

The way it works is incredibly simple. Hope u guys enjoy this post! 
For more information, please visit HERE!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

City Hunter plus "behind the scene" ♥

Lee Yoon Sung  ♥

the starring

Kim Na Na  ♥

Hey guys! I'm here to share with you all about City Hunter 시티헌터 , I'm sure you heard about it right? If NO, turn on your PPS and watch it! I'm totally obsessed with it, I was like "wow" Lee Min Ho is so handsome! (P/S: Don't get mad at me if you aren't his fans) I'm chasing this Korean drama now, I was like CRAZY. I know I'm abit weird, smile :)

Here is an interesting "the making of City Hunter". Have a look, if you like this drama!

I don't know what Lee Min Ho is talking about, poor me :( will continue updating next time, Goodnight world! Annyonghi jumushipsiyo!

Tuesday 5 July 2011


I YOU always!

Cute when he is wearing the 3D spec

I'm wearing it too!

Movie Tickets!

I enjoyed my Sunday with my boyfie we watched 2 movies in the afternoon, Transformer 3D and Treasure Inn! We were so happy that day even though we were so tired. I gave Transformer 4/5 stars* and Treasure Inn 4.5/5 star*.

And, finally I got the time to update my blog, tests and assignments everyday! I got no time to update on Sunday and Monday lol. I've just done my Business Law Quiz today, it's sucks.  Need to rush for OB assignment now, I had quite a harsh moment while rushing tests and assignments!

Off to sleep now!
Love the cold weather outside

Friday 1 July 2011

Bonjour, July!

Today is July 1st 2011, it is the beginning of the year's second half; Time Flies! July 2011 has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays, which is a far from 823 years and I hope that everything is going well! Over the past 6 months, I seems like haven achieve the things I want for this year, I think I should try more harder *finger-crossed. 

I can't wait to see Transformer! My dear promised me to spend me and, yeah! He booked the tickets, I'm kinda excited! Currently my Facebook account was down, what's wrong?! I'm halfway playing my game; so shitty one, LOL.

Gonna watch this on Sunday!

Oh ya, Happy 4th Birthday to Iphone! I'm looking forward for your Iphone5, I start saving money now :-* oppsssss!