Thursday 30 June 2011

dinner at Sushi Tei!

I love this picture so much! Dear is playing the Ipad2

omg, ugly me! Ignore it HAHA. Lol
Sushi Tei
Sushi Tei
Holla! It is June 30th today, the last post for June. At first, I felt very stress, Stress, Stress and now I'm so happy, Happy, Happy that my dear, Honzii bring me to Sushi Tei Thank you so much my dear! I love you lots! 

I have to rush for my assignments and tests tonight, I HATE IT seriously! I'm feel very sleepy right now, how am I going to stay awake until midnight. Anyway, thanks my dear giving me a boost! Actually he is already bankrupt when comes to the end of month, but he still insist to bring me to Sushi Tei, I knew it dear, Thank You & I Love You! 

That's all for today. Happy July tomorrow, Goodnight!

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