Thursday 24 November 2011

Twilight? Twilight? Twilight! :)

Ermm, well, I watched Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 just now. I should say this movie is really really AWESOME! Oh god, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is so freaking handsome (the main starring in Twilight unless you don't know who he is) !  A lot of Edward's fans screamed when Edward appeared in the very first scene, LMAO :/

Well, the ending of BD Part 1 is quite interesting. I'm curious how Bella looks like after she became a vampire. She is so beautiful when she transformed to a vampire and her wedding gown is so pretty! nahh, go and watch it yourself, I can't share to muchh :) 

I'm totally impressed by the BD's last scene, I was like OMG! I can't wait for BD Part 2 seriously :)
I want my boy to be like Edward Cullen, I know I'm dreaming, LOL.

Fast go and watch it, or else you will regret :P

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