Wednesday 21 December 2011

Once again, I'm back!

Hey guys! I'm back from space, nah I'm just kidding. How's life? Christmas is coming real soon, countdown 3 days! I'm so excited as I'm going to a Xmas Party with my gangs, yayy!

I've tried Hi Seoul Korean Fushion Restaurant's korean dishes, it was so nice and the price is affordable! The restaurant is located at Likas Square, opposite Sabah Trade Center.

Stir Fried Pork with Rice!
p/s: Please try this seriously, NICE* hundred times! *

Fried Mixed Vegetable with Rice! 

I don't know what it is actually, sort of like Korean Style Pan Cake? XD

Braised Pork Meat with Rice!

Random picture of myself, kinda weird right, fine. Anyway, can't wait for Christmas! Will update soon :)

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